Marketing automation - What's behind the many providers?
Download factsheet now

All your questions about marketing automation and data marketing are answered here!
Data-driven marketing is about collecting, analyzing and interpreting data in order to use it strategically for your marketing. As a partner of all major platform providers, we know the strengths, weaknesses and special features of all MA and CRM solutions and know for whom it is worth getting on board with this trend.
In our factsheet, you can find out how data-driven marketing & connected marketing automation can not only save you human resources, but also get successful marketing campaigns rolling.
Find out more in the “Marketing Automation Factsheet”!
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Data-driven marketing & marketing automation. It's the combination that does it!

Collecting, evaluating and interpreting data - marketing automation solutions can do all of this. This eliminates many tedious programs from your daily routine and, by relieving sales and marketing, nothing stands in the way of sustainable growth.
You may already have some experience with a CRM system or automation, but are not satisfied with the results. Or are you completely overwhelmed by the wide range of offers?
We can support you with all questions relating to strategic alignment and technical challenges and find the right tool for your company.
What sets us apart from other agencies:
- We bring sales know-how to the table
- We support your team in building their "digital mindset"
- We customize the project to your needs & corporate culture
Read the "Marketing Automation Factsheet" to find out how to set up your first marketing automation project and get started with data-driven marketing.
Strategic challenges with marketing automation
Automation and the transformation of business models entail strategic challenges. Take advantage of the opportunities of the digital age. We will show you which platform suits your needs.

Technical challenges with marketing automation
Are you a medium-sized company looking for a regional consulting partner at eye level for the technical implementation? Would you like to get an overview of the possible uses of marketing automation? Get in touch with us!

Our know-how for your entry into data-driven marketing
NINE brackets will guide you step by step into the world of automated marketing. We are happy to advise you on both a strategic and technical level. We create individual workshops tailored to your requirements and goals.

"There are basically 5 challenges in data-driven marketing - know-how in marketing & IT, data protection, investment risk, impact on your business processes and management acceptance. Data-driven marketing in combination with marketing automation means a cultural change - in all project phases. We support you on the path to data-driven & automated marketing."

Consultant Programming & Apps / CEO NINE brackets
Data-driven marketing & marketing automation are still new territory for you ?
Or are you using marketing automation software but are reaching your limits? NINE brackets guides you step by step into the world of automated marketing and offers you an all-round carefree package with initial consultation, implementation & an accompanying framework agreement.
More information in the factsheet.
Über die Evernine Unit NINE brackets
NINE brackets begleitet Ihr Unternehmen als technologisches Beratungshaus & Lösungsprovider für innovatives Development in das nächste Level der Digitalisierung. Unsere Entwickler und Projektmanager mit langjähriger IT-Erfahrung bieten Full Service für Entwicklungsprojekte rund um Themen wie Websites & E-Commerce und Web & Mobil Development. Ein Schwerpunkt unserer Leistungen liegt in Marketing Automation & Bots sowie Onboarding & Consulting. Seit 2019 sind wir zertifiziertes HubSpot-Partnerunternehmen. Die NINE brackets GmbH hat ihren Hauptsitz in München und gehört als eigenständiges Unternehmen zur Evernine.