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Factsheet "Account-based Marketing"

Your start to successful account-based marketing

Download ABM factsheet now

Find out in the factsheet how to set up & professionalize successful account-based marketing campaigns. 

Generate with us the opportunities & leads you really want to reach, especially the decision-makers and influencers from the relevant buying committees. The Evernine approach takes into account both strategy and data marketing know-how depending on the focus. Benefit from best practices from all industries and sectors in Germany. 

You can find more information about your start and benchmarks from a wide range of account-based marketing objectives in our factsheet. 

You are also welcome to contact us directly at: abm@evernine.de

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Do you want to reach specific companies?


We are Award Winners: German Prize for Online Communication (DPOK 2020) for the best account-based marketing! 

With Evernine's account-based marketing approach, you can address only the companies & target groups you actually want to reach, completely outsourced. 

We offer outsourced account-based marketing activities via Hubspot and external platforms, which can also be combined very well with your own activities. We support you in forming buyer groups and defining personas. The objectives can vary: Generating opportunities, MQLs (Marketing Qualified Leads), SQLs (Sales Qualified Leads), or promoting reputation and customer relationships, for example. Once the strategy has been defined, we work with all relevant channels and tactics (including social selling) to ensure your success. 

Define setup & strategy

The first step is to set up your organization. You can either map the processes completely in-house with your own marketing department or you can involve a specialized agency. In addition to the experience gained from previous projects and the required knowledge, the agency usually also brings the marketing technology with it. Then define a strategy for how you want to carry out your ABM campaign - at the beginning you should determine how large your target group and targeting should be.


Define accounts

In general, there are many ways to define accounts to be targeted in ABM. For example, companies can be clustered purely according to characteristics such as industry, size, number, persona or phase in the sales funnel. Alternatively, you can also select specific companies that you would like to address with your products or services. Evernine advises you on projects in all ABM areas, strategically 1:1, lite 1:Few, or programmatically 1:Many.


Carry out the campaign

For the technical setup of the campaign, an agency usually relies on landing pages that provide a specific action for lead generation. In order to lead potential leads to the landing page, Evernine uses a setup of publishing platforms and associated social media sites. A wide variety of channels are used for implementation, each with its own targeting options. You sit back, we implement the campaign for you.


“Account-based marketing has established itself - and quite rightly so! In our experience, geofencing via LinkedIn and Google Ads is a smart option in the ABM lite sector if you want to address larger corporations in particular. With strategic ABM, excellent preparation for personas, accessibility and the right messaging is a major success factor.” 

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CMO Evernine
